The Time After The Rain

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DIR: Júlia Girós, Nina Solà & Pol Picas
Júlia Girós
– Krakow Film Festival 2023
– MiradasDoc 2023 Sección Nacional
– Festival Gollut 2023, Ganador Mejor Documental
– Directed by Women 2023 (Spain)
– Festival Internacional de Cinema de la Cerdanya 2023 Sección Oficial
– FAMMA Festival Audiovisual de los Montes de María 2023
– SANFICI SANFICI 2023 (Colombia)
– Festival Internacional de Cine de Yopal (FICY) (Colombia)

Mohamed Dih visits Boujdour, the Sahrawi refugee camps where he grew up after spending adolescence in Seville. When a sudden storm destroys his home, he decides to stay longer than planned to rebuild it, take care of his blind grandfather, and meet his two-year-old nephew.


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julio 12, 2017

Ayiti Cheri V

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Júlia Girós
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